"Avalanche" Performed by Leonard Cohen Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc
Lost in Motion II explores the spectrum of emotions experienced by an Artist as they bare their soul for all to see. The film showcases the Artist's state of mind by depicting her within an ominous yet atmospheric environment where she dances in solitude. Adorned in a vibrant red dress that reflects the iconic stage curtains of the theatre, she pushes herself to the limits of her seemingly solitude performance. As the film draws to a close, we see that the dancer has in fact been performing on stage the entire time, and that the visual world is a fantasy one created by her imagination.
Lost inMotionIIexplorael espectro de lasemociones experimentadaspor unartista, ya que dio a luza sualmapara que todos vean. La películamuestrael estadode la mente delartistarepresentandosudentro de un ambienteominosoaúnatmosférica dondeella bailaen soledad.Adornadocon un vestido rojovibrante quereflejalas cortinasemblemáticosde la etapadel teatro, ella mismaempuja alos límites desu actuaciónaparentementesoledad.A medida que lapelículallega a su fin, vemos que el bailarínhahechoestado llevando a caboen el escenariotodo el tiempo, y que elmundo visualesuna fantasíacreada porsu imaginación.
Director: Ben Shirinian Choreographer: Guillaume Côté Dancer: Heather Ogden Original Story by: Ben Shirinian and Guillaume Côté
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